Feed JSON 1.0.9

It works on top of the WordPress native RSS/Atom feed, adding support for JSON.So instead of an RSS/Atom URL like http://example.com/feed/ , users will be able to get the feed in JSON format by accessing one of these 2 URLs:http://example.com/feed/json,...

Gets mentions from various social networks and embeds them as a comments to the mentioned post. Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.Features:cursor-pointer"...

Using a Twilio account, the Spirits and Goblins plugins adds a second layer of protection for a normal WordPress site.After entering normal WP credentials, a one time password also needs to be entered.This second one-time password can be sent to the user...



StaticPress will export a WordPress blog to static site structure.This means all pages will be converted from PHP files to static HTML files.When adding a new page, a manual "Rebuild" operation is needed to add the new content.StaticPress can be extremely...