
ArangoDB 2.8.1 updated

ArangoDB is not your standard database if you've been working with MySQL all your life. There are serious differences between it and classic relational databases, ArangoDB being ideal for high-load and high-speed environments. It's a data storage system...


Ashikawa 0.14.0 / 0.1.3

Ashikawa allows developers to interact with the ArangoDB REST API from Ruby-based services, websites or applications.It provides low level access and is basically an ODM (object document mapper), similar to what an ORM (object relational mapper)...


ArangoDB 1.4.8

Features:Schema-free JavaScript-based interface Multi-threaded Flexible data modeling Customizable index Durable design Support for modern storage hardware (SSD, large cache systems) What is new in this release:install foxx apps in the web interface What...


ArangoDB-PHP 2.8.1 updated

ArangoDB-PHP allows developers to interact with the ArangoDB REST API from PHP-based websites or applications. This client library was written using OOP practices, easily handles ArangoDB connections, and covers basic database operations/transactions...