KITT is back! And he is ready to take on the next generation of criminals! Step into the most popular TV series of the 80's and get behind the wheel of world's most high-tech supercar! Knight Industry Two Thousand, better known as KITT, has returned. And...

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Armada 2526 continues the great tradition of space opera games. You guide your race from its first interstellar journeys, until it becomes a mighty galactic empire. Along the way, you'll explore the galaxy, conduct research, diplomacy and trade, found new...

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Guide your race from its first interstellar journey to its conclusion as a mighty galactic empire. This patch includes improved support for mods and bug...

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This is the v1.06 patch for Arena Wars, featuring new features, bug fixes, and several gameplay tweaks to enhance the balance of the game.Requirements:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP, Arena Wars retail...

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