chromeContext is easy to implement and will spice up any user interface with custom right-click menus.Creating and managing these custom menus is done via a JavaScript code, not HTML markup as you might expect.The menus can be shown over the entire page,...

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filterList 1.0.3

filterList works based on text users enter inside a text field.The plugin reads this text and then hides options not matching the aforementioned string.Once the input field has been cleared, all other options are made visible again.Setting it up is quite...

headerPersist takes a designated header and always keeps it visible on top of the screen as its container is shown.When the container in which the header is included disappears, so does the header.If this header, or any other part of the page for that...

jQuery Expire uses a date and time value to set the expiration date, not timers.The plugin can work with the client's local time or with a remote atomic clock when needed.Support for timezones is also included, just in case you have to use the plugin on...

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rowClick 1.0.2

rowClick works by making entire table rows clickable.If the row contains a link, the plugin expands the click area to the entire area of the row.This allows easier navigation via embedded links, especially on mobile devices where text can be quite small,...

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sessionTimeout can be used to prompt inactive users.If no actions are taken after this warning in a desired period of time, the page is then automatically redirected to a timeout URL.The aforementioned prompt dialog that is shown to the user will show him...

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tabsLite 1.0.2

tabsLite is a lighter version of the jQuery UI tab switcher.Unlike that peculiar component, tabsLite uses only jQuery and not the entire jQuery UI library.Everything else works the same, supporting an unlimited number of tabs and CSS-based skins.Inside...