
Sly 1.6.1 updated

Sly is a powerful bare-bones utility that enables developers to build item-based sliding and scrolling structures, like scrollbars, cycle widgets and featured sliders.It does not come with pre-built examples, letting the developer assemble his own...


Motio 2.2.2

Motio can be used as a standalone JavaScript library or as a jQuery plugin.It can be used for singular projects where it's utilized to power simple effects, or as a part of an online browser-based game.The library is specifically focused on running simple...

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FPSMeter 0.3.1

As the name hints, FPSMeter is a powerful toolkit for creating a widget for monitoring the FPS of Web animations.The FPSMeter component is fully themeable via CSS and can be used on any type of Web page, regardless of the backend technology.The...

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