This free, easy to use program allows you to resize large pictures in either batch mode or single mode without losing photo quality. These features allow you to incorporate the use of many photos on a webpage as well as sending photos through...

Automatically create SQL scripts to insert default values into tables with this easy to use program. Set your connection, choose your tables and click Create Script. Version 1.0.9 includes unspecified updates.What is new in this release:Version 1.0.9...

With TPD Browser Lock protect your children from online predators by blocking Internet access with Browser Lock. Browser Lock runs quietly in the background and prevents access to the Internet, via a browser, while you're away. To enable access to the...

Have you ever wondered if you have two of the same images on your computer? Or wondered if you could remove a bunch of extra files that are cluttering up your hard drive? Well here is your answer, Duplicate File Finder! With built in support for 67 file...

Capture your screen with Screen Shot Pro. Screen Shot Pro is packed full of features that you just can't find in most other screen capture software that are priced the same. Here is what you get: Choose your own save directory. Choose between JPG, PNG or...

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TPD Sql Script Writer creates scripts that allow you to deploy table data with simple Insert statements. These statements are wrapped in transactions so if something were to fail it would rollback. TPD Sql Script Writer is also intelligent enough to...

TPD Video Grabber saves videos from virtually any site. And you can browse to with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Save Internet videos from YouTube, Break, eBaumsworld, ABC, MSNBC, Google, AOL, CNN, and Fox News. What is new in...

Ever get bored with your desktop background? Well here's a program that will loop through a folder of images automatically, keeping your desktop background new and exciting. Automatically loops through images changing your desktop background. Choose your...