Craigslist-phone-search is a Google Chrome Extension. It finds the phone number and email in the Craigslist post and creates an easy web search links for them. The functionality is simple. It saves the user couple of mouse clicks and maybe few more if the...

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This for anyone buying / selling motorcycle on Craigslist. Gives idea of pricing and owner-experience of the motorcycle. Shows motorcycle reviews, pricing, aggregates similar ads, TSB, below Craigslist motorcycle ad.Requirements:Google Chrome Beta...

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This is an extension for Google Chrome. Craigslist Peek works on all Craigslist listings page. Shows ad excerpt, thumbnails and suggestions on Craigslist listing. Suggestions limited to cars and motorcycle section.Requirements:Google Chrome Beta...

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This is an extension for Google Chrome. Forum Preview extension shows last post and image previews on vBulletin, Invision board and phpBB based discussion forums. In Photo Gallery mode the Forum Preview will construct an Image Gallery on top of forum...

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