
OmniMP3 1.0

OmniMP3 is software to convert lossy and lossless audio formats to the most popular audio format: MP3. OmniMP3 supports: FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, ALAC - Apple Lossless Audio Codec, WMA - Windows Media Audio (Lossless), WAV - Waveform...

JPG PNG Resizer - a high performance batch PNG and JPG image size reducer and resizer. Your friends will not thank you for sending them huge megabyte-sized images attached to e-mail and using up their expensive bandwidth. Besides, some mail servers...

Classic Start menu is back to Windows 7. Seven Classic Start returns the familiar Start menu into the newest version of Microsoft Windows, making the switch easier for users of legacy systems. Experienced users and owners of legacy versions of Windows...

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