siduction noX

siduction noX 2018.3.0 updated

siduction noX is a special edition of the open source and free Debian-based Linux operating system forked from aptosid. It comes without the X11 Window System and it's oriented toward people who are looking for a barebone, small and minimal Linux...

siduction KDE

siduction KDE 2018.3.0 updated

siduction KDE is a free, open source and modern operating system forked from the aptosid Linux distribution, based on the latest "unstable" branch of the Debian GNU/Linux distro, and built around the eye-candy KDE SC desktop environment. It is oriented...

siduction GNOME

siduction GNOME 2018.3.0 updated

siduction GNOME is a freely distributed and open source Linux-based operating system built around the controversial GNOME desktop environment and using the "unstable" branch of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Availability, boot options, supported...

siduction Xfce

siduction Xfce 2018.3.0 updated

siduction Xfce is a freely distributed and open source Debian-based operating system built around the traditional Xfce desktop environment and designed from the ground up to be deployed on low-end machines or computers with old and semi-old hardware...

siduction Cinnamon

siduction Cinnamon 2018.3.0 updated

siduction Cinnamon is a free, open source and beautifully designed GNU/Linux operating system derived from the siduction Linux distribution, which in turn is derived from the award-winning Debian distro. Distributed as 32-bit/64-bit Live DVDs The Cinnamon...

siduction MATE

siduction MATE 2018.3.0 updated

siduction MATE is an open source operating system, a distribution of Linux built around the lightweight, easy-to-use, advanced and fast MATE desktop environment for the X Window System, which is based on the latest Qt technologies. Availability, supported...

siduction LXQt

siduction LXQt 2018.3.0 updated

siduction LXQt is an open source and free distribution of Linux based on the award winning, stable, reliable and highly acclaimed Debian GNU/Linux operating system. It is oriented towards desktop users, providing them with a wide range of desktop...

siduction LXDE

siduction LXDE 2018.3.0 updated

siduction LXDE is an open source and full featured Linux distribution tailored for people who are looking for a lightweight and very fast OS to replace old and deprecated Windows XP systems. It is build around the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop...

siduction X.Org

siduction X.Org 2018.3.0 updated

siduction X.Org is yet another special edition of the Debian-based and open source siduction Linux distribution, specifically designed for those of you who are desperately looking for a fast operating system with a minimal set of applications. It is built...

siduction Razor-qt is an open source operating system, a distribution of Linux built around the lightweight, easy-to-use, advanced and fast Razor-qt desktop environment for the X Window System, which is based on the latest Qt technologies.Availability,...