Winamp Lyrics Opener automatically opens the lyrics of the currently playing song in Winamp. Just click on the WA icon on the system tray to open the lyrics or configure Winamp Lyrics Opener to open the lyrics file automatically. You can open the lyrics...

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Software Submit has a list of 620 software sites which accept software/freeware from developers. Submit your software to all these sites easily with Software Submit. Software Submit has the largest list of sites plus it is the only FREE software submitter...

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Terrible in remembering important dates and events. No problem. Enter all the dates and events in HTML Reminder and generate a JavaScript based HTML page. Set the HTML page as your Desktop Wallpaper which will remind you as many as 25 days prior. 0% of...


IndicBand 0.1

IndicBand is a Internet Explorer Toolbar which enables you to write emails, blogs, and search in Indian languages. You can use IndicBand in your favourite email-client like GMail, Yahoo! Mail, Rediff Mail etc., and search in search-engines like Google,...