
JGroups 3.6.6.Final updated

JGroups allows developers to create reliable multipoint (multicast) applications where reliability is a deployment issue, and does not have to be implemented by the application developer.This saves application developers significant amounts of time, and...


Drools 6.3.0 updated

Drools is actually made up of several other projects like Guvnor (Business Rules Manager), Expert (rule engine), 5jBPM 5 (process/workflow), Fusion (event processing/temporal reasoning) and Planner (automated planning).Features:Engine features: Full Rete...


WildFly 9.0.1.Final / 10.0.0.CR2 updated

WildFly is a continuation of the old JBoss Application Server project, but coded anew from the ground up. It focuses on speed and being as light as possible, providing efficient methods of managing server memory, a light core, and a pluggable architecture...

The Netty Project

The Netty Project 4.0.33 / 3.10.5 / 5.0.0.Alpha2 updated

NIO stands for Network Input Output and is a development philosophy describing an operation usage pattern for socket usage and client-server relations. Netty is Java framework for developing network-centric applications. For your other kind of apps, take...


Narayana 5.2.2 updated

Narayana allows XATMI application programs written in C and/or C++ to integrate seamlessly into Java.Features:Easily integrate with other JBoss frameworks Significantly reduce costs in comparison with other XATMI brokers Simplicity...not complexity No...


jBPM 6.3.0 updated

Every business process is defined using an expressive language syntax and deployed along custom resources inside a process archive file.jBPM offers tasks to users, runs the automated actions and maintains the state and audit log.In essence jBPM takes...

JBoss Portal

JBoss Portal 2.7.2

The project has stopped development in June 2010.Features:Technology and Architecture: JEMS: Leverages the power of JBoss Enterprise Middleware Services : JBoss Application Server, JBoss Cache, JGroups, and Hibernate. DB Agnostic: Will work with any RDBMS...

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Teiid 8.9.1 / 8.10 CR2

Written in Java, Teiid is made of tools, components and services for creating and executing bi-directional data services.Through abstraction and federation, data is accessed and integrated in real-time across distributed data sources without copying or...