JBoss AS not only delivers the performance and reliability expected from an industrial strength application platform, it enables customers to scale technically and economically as well. With its revolutionary service-oriented architecture (SOA), JBoss AS...


WildFly 9.0.1.Final / 10.0.0.CR2 updated

WildFly is a continuation of the old JBoss Application Server project, but coded anew from the ground up. It focuses on speed and being as light as possible, providing efficient methods of managing server memory, a light core, and a pluggable architecture...


jBPM 6.3.0 updated

Every business process is defined using an expressive language syntax and deployed along custom resources inside a process archive file.jBPM offers tasks to users, runs the automated actions and maintains the state and audit log.In essence jBPM takes...


Teiid 8.9.1 / 8.10 CR2

Written in Java, Teiid is made of tools, components and services for creating and executing bi-directional data services.Through abstraction and federation, data is accessed and integrated in real-time across distributed data sources without copying or...


Drools 6.3.0 updated

Drools is actually made up of several other projects like Guvnor (Business Rules Manager), Expert (rule engine), 5jBPM 5 (process/workflow), Fusion (event processing/temporal reasoning) and Planner (automated planning).Features:Engine features: Full Rete...

JBoss Web

JBoss Web 2.1.9.GA / 3.0.0.Beta2

JBoss Web Server provides organizations with a single deployment platform for Java Server Pages JSP) for PHP, Java Servlet technologies and CGI.It uses a genuine high performance hybrid technology that incorporates the best of the most recent OS...

The Netty Project

The Netty Project 4.0.33 / 3.10.5 / 5.0.0.Alpha2 updated

NIO stands for Network Input Output and is a development philosophy describing an operation usage pattern for socket usage and client-server relations. Netty is Java framework for developing network-centric applications. For your other kind of apps, take...


NHibernate 4.0.3

NHibernate automatically renders SQL for handling objects, based on an XML description.Features:Natural programming model Native .NET support Support for fine-grained object models No build-time bytecode enhancement Query options Custom SQL Support for...


PicketLink 2.7.1 updated

PicketLink implements basic security filters for dealing with basic operations in many Java applications. PicketLink has a codebase centered around user authentication, authorization and sessions handling, being a powerful enterprise-level tool for...


Infinispan 8.1.0 updated

Infinispan can be used in two ways. As a distributed cache system. Or as a powerful data grid, a highly scalable NoSQL key/value store database. Both ways provide a high degree of performance and have made Infinispan a common technology in mediums where...