Portable OpenSSH

Portable OpenSSH 7.7p1 updated

Portable OpenSSH is an open source software project, a portable version of the OpenSSH (Open Source Secure Shell) protocol suite of network connectivity utilities that are used today on the Internet by an increasing number of people. It has been designed...

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OpenSSH 7.7 updated

OpenSSH is a freely distributed and open source software project, a library and command-line program that runs in the background of your GNU/Linux operating system and protects your entire network from intruders and attackers. It is the open source...

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OpenSMTPD 5.7.1 updated

OpenSMTPD is a completely free, cross-platform and open source implementation of a server-side SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) protocol, as defined by the RFC 5321 specification. The OpenSMTPD software includes various extra extensions and allows...