By using the AlgoCracker you can tell why some sites are ranked 0 to 10 in the Google SERPs, and why others are further down the results. Some metatags have influence, some not. Search for results and then perform an analysis by exporting the data into...

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Generate at least one page for each possible keyword that describes your website content. These pages will be optimized for top position in Google and other search engines. More than 48 configurable features make your pages look like hand-made, thus...

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This software extracts the keywords from the Keyword Metatag from the sites listed in the search engines result pages. It also calculates the occurrence number and percent of every keyword found. It is capable of sorting the keywords in frequency or...

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This software reads all metatags: the title, the description, the keywords, generator and others. It sorts the metatags in frequency or alphabetic order and it is capable of showing when a Title is missing. When the research is complete you have the...

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It is used to generate multiple phrases, used for creativity or automated content generation by webmasters. Combinatorial Phrase Generation based on synonyms or synonym phrases. Unique phrase generator, with potential for millions of phrases in minutes....

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Synonymizer 6.0 updated

Generate content for your Web site, avoid content duplication, create new text automatically. As its name explains, Synonymizer is an application that offers synonyms inside a given text. It marks wich words are used more frequently, proposes alternatives...