Biorhythm Compatibility is helps find the biorhythm compatibility between two people. Each person's biorhythm consists of the physical, emotional and intellectual cycles. Knowing the cycles for yourself and your partner can help you understand your...

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Bipolar Disorder or Maniac Depressive Illness is a brain disorder that affects a person's moods and ability to work. If not controlled, this illness can cause a lot of trauma not only to the person who is suffering but also to family and friends. Bipolar...

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Astrology Birth Chart is a free astrology birth chart generator based on the principles of western astrology and Vedic astrology. This program tells us in detail the accurate astronomical locations of planets at the time of an individual's birth. Using...

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The date of your birth has a major role to play in life. It reflects the kind of personality you have and the possibilities that remain latent in you. Your date of birth is the most finite number that will stay with you throughout your course of life....

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As we all know the brain consists of two hemispheres, the right and the left. Both the right brain and the left brain, have a defined set of functions which they perform independent of each other. This defines the personality of the individual and tells...