Mint-XsQ-Metal has full transparent panel (right click on panel, properties, background, solid color), squared window frames, buttons in the left side (Metacity) and more minor changes.If you want to move buttons to the right side -> Alt+F2 -> type...

Radiance Tern is a GTK3 theme, a modified version of the Radiance theme from Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot).Only "close" button is permanent visible. The other buttons will appear on mouseover.Move titlebar text in middle.Squared widgets and corners window...

RGBAmbianceReworked is a modified Ambiance theme with RGBA enabled.You have to install RGBA(you will find the tutorial here: ).Note: The theme will work fine even you don't install RGBA (but you will not...

RGBAmbiance_NEW is a modified Ambiance theme with RGBA enabled.You have to install RGBA(you will find the tutorial here: ).Note: The theme will work fine even you don't install RGBA (but you will not...