Spotlight is a feature introduced in Mac OS X version 10.5.x that enables fast and accurate searches for files, folders and documents on your computer. For those who work heavily with PhotoShop, SpotLightPSD extends the default set of file types supported...

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Introduction: ProofPlus possesses the capability to add emailing features to your Adobe InDesign CS Suite. It also allows you to add watermarks to your documents. You can attach and send common file formats like pdf, jpeg and eps, amongst others. Emailing...

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QADOView 1.0

Microsoft added support for writing custom preview handlers for documents with release of Windows Vista and Office 2007. Custom Preview Handler allows end user to view documents without opening them in their native application. ADOView extends this to add...

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Spotlight is a feature of Mac OS X version 10.5 that enables fast and accurate searches for files, folders and documents on your computer. SpotLightQXP extends the default set of file types supported by SpotLight to include QuarkXpress Documents....

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