Free FLAC Player is an audio player application for playing your Free Lossless Audio Codec files or simply flac file extension. There are many music players out there but this one is great because of its performance and smoothness in running and playing...

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With just an app that has a print option; users can now create PDF files from virtually any of them. This is possible with the Free PDF Printer. Some of the apps supported by the tool include MS Word, Excel, PPT, etc. It is a very simple method to create...

In order to convert TTF (true type format) files to various others, the Free TTF Converter is an ideal choice. It is a very useful tool for software developers can be comprehended by even a novice. The simple design of the software and a myriad of...

As the name indicates, the Free Website Downloader is a tool that lets users download websites so that they can be saved in the drives of their respective devices. This is to ensure that the same can be accessed at a later stage when there is a...

All the developers across the world would agree that parsing an XML document is a very significant task. Doing it manually is not possible as it would take up a lot of time going through the markup language line by line. The best way to do it is to use...

As the name suggests, the Free XML Formatter allows users to format their XML strings or files by changing the indentation level. There are several purposes for doing this and it is especially useful for professionals. One of the main reasons for the same...

The Monogram Font is ideally used for creating logos for companies. Since it is characterized by over - lapping two or more words to form a symbol, it is mostly used for professional purposes. Having its origin from Greece, it is one of the oldest fonts...