
MobilyBlocks 25.1.2011

MobilyBlocks takes a list of elements and hides them, only showing a trigger button.Clicking or hovering this button will animate the items, showing them in a circle around it.Items can be animated clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on...

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MobilyMap 20.1.2011

MobilyMap only needs a background image and a set markers to work.The plugin will do all the heavy-duty operations of turning that image into a draggable map, and then overlaying the markers in desired positions.Clicking the markers will trigger a popup...

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markdown-live is a self-hosted Node.js application that can be used to preview text when writing it using Markdown.It can be pointed on any file or folder on disk, and it will open a Web page where the Markdown file is read and then compiled to actual...


MobilySlider 02.02.2011

MobilySlider is an all-featured image and text slider that can be used to rotate important content on a Web page.It can use a dotted pagination system and next/prev arrows, and can display images and HTML-formatted text as well.MobilySlider also supports...

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Animated Skills Diagram works by hovering the mouse over nested donut diagram.When this happens, depending on the hovered circle, the script will show the percentage of how much the developer is familiar with that skill.The plugin can be adapted to any...

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MobilyNotes 17.12.2010

MobilyNotes can be used as a slideshow, featuring text content and images on a Web page.Each slideshow panel is like a text note or Polaroid image, being stacked upon each other and then slid from the bottom of the pile and moved on top.The MobilyNotes...

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MobilySelect 25.1.2011

MobilySelect works by showing a list of controls which will allow users to filter a list they see below.Each control basically sets all elements of a specified CSS class to show or hide.When the list is filtered, items can be removed at once, or a few...

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