MacAT 7.1

MacAT is a Windows AT/UNIX cron task scheduling application for Macintosh server administrators. It is a fat binary application that allows 17 of the most common MacOS tasks to be run daily, weekly, monthly or yearly without user intervention. These...

Risky Business SOS is a software program designed to simplify and guide a company through the task of documenting their Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs). Every organization has a strict legal obligation to the community and employees to identify, assess,...

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SyBrowser 9.1

SyBrowser is a table browser and alternative "isql" client for Sybase databases. It facilitates SQL generation thorough a point and click interface. SyBrowser also provides an overview of the tables in ODBC, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite and MS SQL...

UNIX Console is a Solaris UNIX system analysis and performance tool for Power Macintosh and Windows 9x/NT computers. It consists of a series of modules that send commands to a remote UNIX server and displays a graphical interpretation of the results. Many...

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