Christmas comes alive on your desktop with these beautiful candelit Christmas scenes. Photorealistic flickering candlelight illuminates five different holiday scenes sure to brighten your desktop and your holiday season. Each scene is unique and features...

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Bring your desktop to life with Firefly Living Desktop. Fireflies dance on the still surface of a forest pond reflecting their glow in the still night. Transform your desktop into a tranquility living scene with Firefly Living Desktop. Firefly Living...

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Carve you own virtual Jack O Lantern this halloween with Jack O Lantern 3D Screensaver. A beautifully rendered pumpkin is displayed on various halloween backgrounds carved using unique and creative patterns. The included "carving guide" will help you...

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Bring your desktop to life with Mountain Lake Living Desktop Watch as majestic mountain lake scenes come to life on your desktop complete with beautifully rendered rippling water effects. You won't believe your eyes as your desktop is transformed into a...

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Bring your desktop to life with SnowFall Living Desktop. Watch as beautiful winter scenes come to life on your desktop complete with gently drifting snow. Allow your desktop to be enchanted this winter as you enjoy the peace of falling snow. SnowFall...

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A beautiful starfield gently drifts in a variety of ways while shooting stars streak across the night sky. Starlight Living Desktop allows you to change a number of features of the starfield including the number of stars, star size, starfield direction...

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Bring your desktop to life with Tropical Beach Living Desktop. Enjoy pristine tropical beaches complete with palm trees and beautifully rendered rippling water effects. Tropical Beach includes three incredible animated scenes with beaches from the Cook...

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