
R.I.P. 13.7

R.I.P. stands for Recovery Is Possible and it’s an open-source and completely free distribution of GNU/Linux derived from one of the oldest Linux kernel-based operating systems in the world, Slackware. It is designed from the ground up to be used...


zdisk 2.15

zdisk's purpose is to put a kernel of your choice and a rescue system on one 1.44 MB.Usage: ./zdisk -serial -[fd|cd|initrd|image] -k path_to_kernel -i path_to_initrd_contents.tgz -m module_directory The default initrd contents are "-i...

make_uninstall is a tool that records the installation of a compiled package and creates a record in /var/log/mku/packages/package_name.Usage: mku command argumentsexample: mku make installIf you want a backup made of anything overwritten, do this.mku -b...

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