
JPTorrent 3.0.1

JPTorrent is the easiest way to locate torrents on the net. It searches the best torrent sites and present the result in a simple tab system. Just one click and you can search hundreds of sites. It's free, no spam, anonymous and no pop-ups. Are you tired...

JPTorrent is the first MultiSearch Torrent program. It lets you search over 100 torrent-pages with one click. It's userfriendly and fast. Are you tired of looking for good torrent-sites that offer quality torrents and does it annoy you to have more than 5...

JPTorrent is the first MultiSearch Torrent program. It lets you search over 100 torrent-pages with one click. It's userfriendly and fast. Are you tired of looking for good torrent-sites that offer quality torrents and does it annoy you to have more than 5...