
n2ncopy 0.20.1

n2ncopy is a simple and lightweight application. With this little windows program, you will be able to copy, or move, multiple files and folders to multiple destinations in only one...

DuplicadosEraser2 is a little and fast Windows program that used to find and remove duplicate files. It compares files and folders, even inside compressed archives. It allows you to save their list to work later. It is fast and you can send the files to...


joseplayer 0.6.1

Joseplayer is a litle windows multimedia player that plays any file to which you have a codec. Now, you can view all your multimedia files with this easy-to-use, accessible and handy application. With this application, you can take snapshot, change the...

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JosePagsPdf 0.1.3

JosePagsPdf application was designed to be a small utility that will add the number of pages of a file to its name. Simply select a folder that contains PDF files, execute the task and each file name will contain its number of pages. Sometimes you are in...

JoseDelEmpty application was designed to be a small program that will remove all the folders that do not contain any files. You will also be able to make sure that it doesn't interfere with system and / or hidden files. It will search whole the system and...

JoseFileGui is a simple and light weight application that used to to find out what kind of file is it in unix exists a command "file". The JoseFileGui application was developed to be a front end to file.exe. The installer contains all you need to work....


JosePdfTool 0.5.1

JosePdfTool is a windows program that enables you to concatenate pdf and ps files in a single step into a single pdf file, to extract a part of a pdf file as a pdf file or convert a pdf file into a tiff file multi image. To use it you will need...


ConsoleUp 0.2.1

ConsoleUp is a small, handy tool designed to help you if you are sick and tired of open a console and navigate trough folders until the target folder. The application will open a console windows with the specified target...

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