
Defuscate 0.1.1

The Defuscate plugin will take an email like name(at) and transform it into means the developer can keep emails out of his source code, but have it compile to working email links inside a browser.Since bots read the source...

django-ajax-loading-overy uses JavaScript to add/remove a loading overlay to a target element during Ajax calls. It can be called on any element that should receive the loading overlay, and accepts options for class selectors and loading overlay...

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django-html5accordion is a Django app that adds JS support to expand/collapse any content, like HTML5 details/summary elements. It can be called on any element, and takes as an argument a selector for the summary contents that should always remain...

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HTML5 Finder

HTML5 Finder 1.0.2

Combining the power of HTML 5 and jQuery, HTML5 Finder allows developers to easily put together a drill-down navigation menu for large nested data structures.This is recommended for usage on mobile devices, but can also work on desktops as well.What is...

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