BatchX Quark

BatchX Quark 3.90 updated

Batch printing and PDF creationDifferent output processes for one document via ActionsWhat is new in this release:Versions for QuarkXPress 2015/2016What is new in version 3.72:Versions for QuarkXPress 2015/2016What is new in version 3.02:Versions for...


ExportX 7.04

ExportX is QuarkXTensions software and adds features to the eps export functions of QuarkXPress: Embed all used fonts (Type1, TrueType, OpenType); Exports multiple pages in one step; Export styles (similar to print styles); PDF page parameter...


FontFilter 2.23

FontFilter provides a palette for easier handling of fonts within QuarkXPress. It only displays the fonts used in the current document together with a subset of the system fonts. This subset can be defined by the current document together with a...

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ImageX 3.32 updated

ImageX provides a palette with a list of all used pictures within the front most document. Those pictures can be sorted by name, page, type, color space, color profile or resolution. Several operations on those pictures like updating and relinking are...


JoCrop 1.60

JoCrop is an Adobe Acrobat Plug-in for easy cropping of PDF documents to the trimbox/ bleedbox. It is done via "Edit/Crop to trimbox: or the JoCrop quick tool, available from "Advanced Editing" Requirements:macOS Mojave macOS High...


JoDrop 5.50 updated

JoDrop is XTensions software for QuarkXPress:Import of text and images via drag and drop Replacement of images without changing the settings Create text file with all placed images Show and print image paths for picture boxes Check for RGB- and...


JoJo 2.20 updated

JoJo is a MacOS X application and makes it easier to open QuarkXPress and Adobe Indesign documents in their relvent version. Simply drag the document over the dock icon of JoJo and let it drop. JoJo will open the relevent version of QuarkXPress or Adobe...