
progre(c)ss 1.4.0

The progress bars are very easy to deploy. Just add some preset classes to the HTML elements that need to display a progress bar.Developers can control various progress bar settings, like colors, width, height, opacity, border radius, animation type, and...

Animated entirely via CSS 3 and using a little bit of JavaScript to add and remove the spinner from the page, (cs)spinner is a modern day solution for the classic Flash-based preloaders that were at point used with all website templates.With over 15+...


tyto 2.2.2 updated

tyto can be used to bring some order to someone's life by providing a simple board where users can pin tasks and organize them into lists. With a simple UI and a user-friendly UX, tyto is easy to use and should get any user started on his tasks and...

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doormat 3.1.0 updated

doormat works as the user scrolls down the page to the next section. The previous section simply slides up and reveals the next section right under it. As the user scrolls down and down, new sections are revealed and then slid up in the same manner. The...

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