
Buzz 1.1.9 updated

Buzz adds all the necessary tools for including and playing sounds using the long awaited HTML5 audio tag.The library is basically a wrapper around the HTML 5 Audio API and allows developers easier access to the API's features without having to spend...

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The jQuery Face Detection Plugin works by scanning an image or a video's frames and using a special pattern recognition system detects any human faces inside it.Once the faces detected, it provides their coordinates to the developer, which in turn can use...

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markItUp! 1.1.14 / 2.0 Preview

markItUp! works by overtaking a normal textarea and adding various controls on top, allowing users to easily format their text using Word-like controls and buttons.Once the text styled and formatted to look whatever the user wants, markItUp! will convert...


Vegas 2.1.3 updated

Vegas, instead of rotating images inside a container, it rotates the whole page's background image.This concept takes full advantage of the available space inside a browser window and it maximizes the visible area.Thumbnails and play/stop controls can be...