
editx 0.2.2

The EDItX standard specifies a collection of XML schemas for Electronic Document Interchange between trading partners in the publishing industry.The library provides a layer for the formats and simplifies reading and generating EDItX files in Ruby...


pdf-reader 1.3.3

Provides programmatic access to the contents of a PDF file with a high degree of flexibility.Tries to conforming as much as possible to the native Adobe PDF specification.Not the entire PDF 1.7 specification is supported, but most of it is...

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Prawn-JS 0.7.1

Javascript fragments will be compiled and executed on supported viewers (like Adobe Acrobat Reader), usually in response to particular events (like the document opening, closing, etc).The JavaScript syntax is standard, plus a few Adobe imposed...


Preflight 0.3.0

Includes support for the PDF/X and PDF/A standards, along with custom user-defined rulesets.The library is pretty bare bones, but it's an alternative to expensive preflight PDf checking software, while also being easy to understand and extend.What is new...

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