AmbianceBLUISH is a verison of the Ubuntu 11.10 Ambiance theme, but tweaked. It is a really good one.Changes to the original theme:1. Added dark panel in Nautilus-I never liked the default one.2. Changed the selection color in the OS to be blue.- the...

AmbianceBLUISH_12_04 is a GTK3 theme for Ubuntu 12.04. It brings the following changes compared to the original theme:1. Added dark panel in Nautilus2. Changed the selection color in the OS to be blue.3. Window titles were moved to the right of the...

AmbSILVER_12_04_1a is Ubuntu 12.04 Ambiance theme, in silver, with a lot of tweaks. This is a little bit lighter theme than the AmbSILVER_12_04.How to install?· Right click on your desktop and select Change Desktop Background· Click on...

AmbSTblue_FLATTEN_12_04 is a GTK3 theme for Ubuntu 12.04. The following changes were added compared to the original theme:1. Added dark panel in Nautilus2. Changed the selection color in the OS to be blue.3. Changed the main colors of the theme from the...

AmbSTEELblue is the Ubuntu 11.10 Ambiance theme, but tweaked.Changes to the original theme:1. Added dark panel with steelblue color in Nautilus2. Changed the selection color in the OS to be blue.3. Window titles were moved to the right of the window.4....


AmSTblue_FLATTEN Ubuntu 11.10

AmSTblue_FLATTEN is a modified version of the Ambiance theme from the Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) operating system.It comes with a dark panel, blue selection, moved window titles the right, increased window borders to 4 px, flat window titlebars, and...

AmSTblue_FLATTEN_12_04 is a GTK3 theme for Ubuntu 12.04. It contains the following changes compared to the original theme:1. Added dark panel in Nautilus2. Changed the selection color in the OS to be blue.3. Changed the main colors of the theme from the...