
Authoxy 3.6

Authoxy runs unobtrusively on your computer, intercepting all HTTP and HTTPS requests, adding an authentication string, and forwarding them on to your regular proxy. This is required to use many web services (iTunes, MacHelp, QuickTime, Software Update,...

Finally collaboration on the Macintosh has reached the 21st century! Do you: hold meetings give tutorials host discussion groups conduct community group meet-ups, or otherwise want to collaborate with others? Then why not take advantage of the...

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Full product information is available under the Corroboree product listing. A copy of CorroboreeServer must be running on your network to enable Corroboree. If you are trying out Corroboree, download and run a copy of CorroboreeServer. If you only want...

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This Dashboard Widget gives you speedy access to clues for finishing your crossword. Enter the letters you have and the ones you don't to get a list of words that could fit. A French user has been kind enough to provide a French dictionary. He says it is...