
EnvarList 1.2

EnvarList displays a text window with a list of the environment variables, (same as you will get with the SET command at the command prompt). In a program that offers a launcher interface (like a programming editor) you can use EnvarList to see the...

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FileDate 1.1

FileDate offers a date picker to change the date (last written/modified). The time (of day) is taken from the original date or time stamp, and remains unchanged. FileDate expects one file as command argument, and is designed as "Send to" tool (in the...


MemPad 3.52

MemPad is a plain text outliner and note taking program with a structured index. All pages are stored in a single file. User interface available in 16 languages. Unicode. The program offers standard editing functions including cut, copy, paste, undo,...

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PathLen 1.6

PathLen expects a path as parameter, and displays a message box with path information and length. If a directory path is given, the longest path in the structure is reported. Prompt to open the folder (Explorer window), or just an Ok button (by option)....

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PlayWav 1.0

PlayWav simply plays a WAV file without any user interface. The file is passed as command parameter. The program terminates itself. PlayWav is meant for small files. There is no way to stop it. Use in batch files, by drag and drop, thru "open with", as...

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PopSel 2.51

PopSel offers simple pop-up menus to launch programs, documents, web links, Explorer windows, and batch scripts. With PopSel you can reduce the number of icons on your Desktop, or make extensions to the Quick Launch Tray. You can offer a selection of...

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PopSel offers simple pop-up menus to launch programs, documents, web links, Explorer windows, and batch scripts. With PopSel you can reduce the number of icons on your Desktop, or make extensions to the Quick Launch Tray. You can offer a selection of...

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Qsel 2.20

Qsel is a program launcher (programs, documents, Web links) with Icons. Easy configuration of launcher windows using drag&drop. Switch to other launcher windows through category index (click on title button), or through special Icons.What is new in this...

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