HS Countdown

HS Countdown 1.1.1

Countdown is a very, very simple tool that does exactly what it is called. It counts down. You can set it up on your desktop so that it sits in the corner, or whatever, and just counts down to a pre-determined date or time. This version is the first...

MultiFile Replace allows you to scan a directory and sub-directories to find and replace words or phrases. It is great for updating web sites with static pages if a link changes or to update the copyright information if you have changed the content of...

MultiFile Replace Portable allows you to scan a directory and sub-directories to find and replace words or phrases. It is great for updating web sites with static pages if a link changes or to update the copyright information if you have changed the...

SMTP Mail Sender

SMTP Mail Sender

SMTP Mail Sender is an application that allows you to send messages through an SMTP server. It lets you send messages if you do not have a mail application installed, or need to send from an account that is only used for sending messages without worrying...


StorURL 2.6.15

StorURL is a small utility that allows you to store your entire favorite Web site URLs with a descriptive title to go along with the URL. Features include import/export to and from Internet Explorer favorites as well as the option to sort your links into...



Wootificator is a program that sits in your system tray and waits patiently until a specified time. When the time comes, it activates, downloads information from Woot.com, and scans the data for keywords you specify. If a keyword in the list is found, you...

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