The effect works as follows. As the image is hovered, the photo is sliced in 4 or 2 parts and pulled apart in opposite directions.Underneath the image slices text can be shown describing the image or any other thing.As the mouse moves out of the image...


SlideBox 1.3

SlideBox can hide and show, whenever needed, a panel from the side of the page.The panel can be opened and closed by clicking a small button.SlideBox is perfect for hiding un-important content like login boxes, credits, sidebars, etc..Not to be too...

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The sharing buttons are added automatically. The user only has to configure their settings and operation mode.Options include various button styles, visible services, possibility of opening new links in new windows, etc.. Installation:Unpack and upload it...

The plugin uses minimal JS code to load and remember the latest tweets.To configure the Juiz Last Tweet Widget plugin, there's a backend settings page for adding Twitter API credentials and a widget with lots of options in the Appearance...