DjangoDevKit is a meta package for Django developers. In fact you should use twod.wsgi so you don't need all this messy stuff.Installation:easy_install -U DjangoDevKitContain (as dependencies): * django-debug-toolbar *...

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freeboxtv 0.9.1

The freeboxtv package is used to wrap VLC and use it with the FreeboxTV.InstallationInstall freeboxtv with easy_install:sudo easy_install -U freeboxtvTroubleshootingSome older versions of vlc require a --m3u-extvlcopt option to read .m3u files options. If...


GitWeb 0.4

GitWeb is a fork using Webob.InstallationWith easy_install:easy_install GitWebGet the source:git clone git:// gunicorn WSGI server is recommended since it have a great support of chunked...

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gp.bootstrap is a small Python script to deal with zc.buildout bootstrapping.Usage:Create a ~/.buildout/default.cfg if it doesn't existCreate a buildout.cfg based on ~/.buildout/template.cfg if it doesn't existDownload the script if...

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oh-my-vim 0.7

oh-my-vim is a Vim plugin that allows you to manage your Vim plugins.It's eavily inspired from oh-my-zsh.InstallationIt's recommended to install oh-my-vim as a non root user.Just run: pip install oh-my-vimInstall from the repository: pip install...

pyramid_fanstatic provide a Pyramid tween for Fanstatic and a pyramid scaffold.ScaffoldJust run: pcreate -s starter -s pyramid_fanstatic myprojectOr: pcreate -s pyramid_fanstatic myexistingprojectif you want to add pyramid_fanstatic to an...

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pyramid_formalchemy is a Python module that provides a set of utilities for using FormAlchemy with Pyramid.Have a look at the Online demo.Bug and feature request must be reported on the github tracker.What is new in this release:Dev changes go here What...

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