
gulp.js 3.9.0 updated

gulp.js uses special files known as gulpfiles that can be used to enqueue and automate a series of operations.Executing a gulpfile will run all those operations in a quick succession, sparing the developer the time needed to run those tasks by hand, one...


Fusker 0.2.1

Fusker places itself between the web app (Node.js) and the user, sniffing server requests.It comes packet with methods for detecting, preventing and fighting back against hackers or suspicious attackers.Some examples are provided with the...

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Smog 0.1.8

Smog will allow MongoDB admins to manage their database via a Web browser, instead of a clunky console.Sog works with local or remote MongoDB databases and comes with support for basic CRUD operations.Written on top of Node.js, Smog is practically a...


CaptchaGen 1.1.0

This Node.js library can be used in rendering image CAPTCHA photos for protecting online web forms against automatic submissions or spam bots.Comes with an optional feature of speaking the CAPTCHA text via the espeak module and the Audio...