Automation Workshop allows scheduling and automating of business processes. Automation Workshop requires no scripting, programming or coding skills. Processes are automated by building Tasks that include Triggers and Actions as the key components. When...

Change file/folder date, time (timestamp) and attributes. Change JPG date. Expands Windows property tabs to display additional file properties. View file and folder content (copy file list to clipboard). View file and directory description. Manage...

With Febooti fileTweak, you can change date and time for files, JPG images, folders (directories), and subfolders as well. Change files and folders creation date, time, last modified date, time and last accessed date, and time (timestamp). It contains...

Change file / folder case. You can modify file case by changing to UPPERCASE, lowercase, Title Case, Sentence case, tOGGLE cASE, RAnDom CAsE. It can process single file / folder as well as tree of subfolders. Stand alone module of Febooti fileTweak.What...

Febooti fileTweak Download Speed (64-Bit) is a utility that allows to test your Internet connection speed and estimate download times of selected files on various types of connections. It integrates into windows property pages thus becoming easily...

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