
qrq 0.3.1

qrq is an open source morse telegraphy trainer for Linux and Unix operating systems, similar to the classic DOS version of Rufz by DL4MM.qrq software is not intended for learning telegraphy (have a look at radio.linux.org.au for CW learning software), but...


cwbiff 0.3.0

cwbiff is a morse code mail notifier.cwbiff is a small Perl program (similar to the classix Unix program 'biff') which queries a mailbox and notifies the user about new incoming mail by sending the From: and Subject: lines in morse code (CW).Before and...


YFKlog 0.3.5

YFKlog is a general purpose ham radio logbook for *nix operating systems. YFKlog runs in text mode, which means it can easily be used on a remote server, even from Windows-Computers with PuTTY.It was primarily designed with normal HF/VHF-operation in...


ebook2cw 0.8.2

ebook2cw allows you to convert ebooks to morse MP3s.ebook2cw is a command line program which converts a plain text ebook to morse code MP3 files. It works on several platforms, including Windows and Linux.Parameters:A number of CW and MP3 parameters can...

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