DownloadManger is application software to download files for my programs. Manage your downloading files from Internet. Download files from internet and manage download list. Download and copy the application into your local disk and run the...

Progress Bar Race is a small game containing four progress bars. You can bid on any progress bar for winning. Once you click on start race button progress bar button will start run and the bar which loads first is the winner. It includes 5 levels of...

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Progress Bar Race is a small game containing four progress bars. You can bid on any progress bar for winning. Once you click on start race button progress bar button will start run and the bar which loads first is the winner. It includes 5 levels of race....

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Qwerty - Notepad is an text editing application. You can create new text file and edit existing text files. It features cut, copy, paste, and clear functions. It also includes text to speech option where the application reads the text what you have...

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Qwerty - Notepad is an text editing application. You can create new text file and edit existing text files. It features cut, copy, paste, and clear functions. It also includes text to speech option where the application reads the text what you have...

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