Arty Popup works by showing a popup when a page loads to an user for the first time.It can show some text, a contact form (via wContact Form 7) and a background image.Arty Popup can be used in promotional campaigns, advertising, internal site contests,...

The 'HTML5 jQuery Audio Player' WordPress plugin allows embedding of HTML5-powered audio players inside WordPress posts, pages or the sidebar.It comes in two versions, an open sourced free version, and an improved version for commercial usage and with...

Logo Slider

Logo Slider 1.4.3

Logos can be added to the slider using the plugin's backend settings page, and then published to the site's page or posts via the [logo-slider] shortcode or logo_slider(); template tag.Additionally, the slider's dimensions, arrow types and CSS settings...

PayPal Responder allows site administrators to sell products and services on their website and receive payments via a PayPal account.As soon as a payment is received, the plugin will automatically send a confirmation for the payment via email to the...

WP Catalogue

WP Catalogue 1.7.4

Suitable for portfolios, stores or just simple image galleries, WP Catalogue allows organizing items in categories and displaying them on the site's frontend.To embed any WP Catalogue listing, just use the [wp-catalogue] shortcode.Installation:Unpack and...