
Psychomancer 1.0.7

Welcome to Torenheim, the latest of a plethoria of fantasy realms. Magic, known as the Essence, runs as freely as air and water in this world. Warlocks and wytches have dedicated their studies to mastering and controlling the Essence. Psychomancer...

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EdenMath 1.2.2 updated

EdenMath is a scientific calculator which does standard arithmetic, probability, and trigonometric functions. As an educational and scientific tool, EdenMath is freeware, costing the user nothing. What is new in this release:64-bit version...


GUI Tar 1.2.4

GUI Tar is a wrapper application which acts as the front end to the 7za, tar, gzip, bzip2, unrar, and unzip UNIX utilities. The operating system itself handles the complicated work, while GUI Tar provides a pleasant and easy method to interact with these...

33 RPM

33 RPM 1.1.8

In the past, a musician would learn a piece of music by adjusting the speed of their record player and then methodically practice along with the slower version of the song. 33 RPM brings a little back from a time of LPs and record players, just without...