Ancient Sites Screensaver: These ancient sites stand quietly, and encourage all who see them to do the same. The stillness of these images speaks volumes. It is more than a history lesson, however, that draws thousands to the Four Corners region where...

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Duplicate files can eat up drive space and sow confusion. Who hasn't accidentally edited the wrong copy of a file and then had to redo work? This utility will find duplicate files, help you open and compare the files, and allow you to delete the...

Nothing captures the essence of the wolf, both feared and revered, quite like the Sioux name shunk manitu tanka, or animal that looks like a dog but is a powerful spirit. These 22 professional photographs of wolves in their natural environment will...

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Tonic of Wildness Screensaver: There is something about wildness that strengthens and invigorates the human sprit. This large collection of North American wildlife images will do exactly that. Is it the constancy of nature, the miracle of life, or the...

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Enjoy the beauty of spring every day. This amazing collection of 31 professional photographs taken during the Canadian Tulip Festival and the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is sure to brighten any day. To early Americans, the tulip represented all things...

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