
yfind 0.1.0 Alpha 2

yfind is a Python tool to search YAML files satisfying specified conditions.Examples: yfind '.mailings[0].sent < 2012/06/12' my_files/yfind '.id == 10'((?.id) and (yfind '.id == 10)) or (.enabled == "False")'Currently supported search expressions:<...


Monsti 0.6.0

Monsti is an open source, simple and fast CMS (Content Management System) written in Go that allows users to efficiently host small websites.Monsti includes a user-friendly web-based interface, and it is web developer friendly. It provides a simple...

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Keyboard Navigation Plugin for Konqueror lets you navigate the web with keyboard shortcuts (also known as hints) as seen in Vimperator and Conkeror.How it works:After pressing the shortcut, the plugin displays highlighted numbers (hints) at each link. You...

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kotti_dkbase 0.1.0 Beta 2

kotti_dkbase is a plugin that provides Kotti setup and modifications for CMS projects of datenkarussell.deWarning: No backward compatibility guaranteed. Use at your own risk and for educational purposes only.Find out more about KottiDevelopment happens at...

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kotti_events 0.1.0 Beta 3

kotti_events is an extension to Kotti that allows to add collections of events to your website. Development happens at https://github.com/chrneumann/kotti_eventsWhat is new in this release:Rescale event images if larger than 600x600 Removed times for...

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Monsti 0.14.0 updated

Monsti is written in Google's Go programming language and is one of the few CMSs to be so. While not overly complicated and full of features, the CMS is recommended for smaller projects. It utilizes a custom type architecture with support for nodes, which...

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kotti_contactform is a Kotti extension that allows to add simple contact forms to your website.What is new in this release:Changes for compatibility with Kotti>=0.8. These changes are not backward compatibel. If you want to use kotti_contactform with...

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kotti_site_gallery 0.1.0 Beta 4

kotti_site_gallery is an extension to Kotti that allows to add a site gallery to your site.Development happens at https://github.com/chrneumann/kotti_site_gallerySetupTo enable the extension in your Kotti site, activate the configurator: ...

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