
SpamSieve 2.9.39 updated

SpamSieve gives you back your inbox by bringing powerful Bayesian spam filtering to popular e-mail clients. It learns what your spam looks like, so it can block nearly all of it. It looks at your address book and learns what your good messages...


DropDMG 3.5.5 updated

Disk images pack entire folders or disks into a single compressed file, either for transport across the Internet or simply for backup. They are Apple's preferred format for distributing Mac software. Disk images are also the only archive format...


SQLite 2.8.16

SQLite is a C library, written by D. Richard Hipp and others, that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. The distribution comes with...


CVSTrac 1.2.1

D. Richard Hipp's CVSTrac is an open-source Web-based bug and patch-set tracking system for CVS. This distribution contains a single file that you can drag-install onto your Mac OS X machine without futzing with any Makefiles.What is new in this...


BBAutoComplete 1.6.1 updated

BBAutoComplete adds word auto-completion to Affrus, BBEdit, Mailsmith, Microsoft Word, Script Debugger, Smile, Tex-Edit Plus, and TextWrangler. You type the start of a word, press a key, and BBAutoComplete types the letters to complete the word....

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ToothFairy 2.6.1

AirPods are great, but they don't work quite as smoothly with Macs as they do iPhones. You can't tell at a glance whether audio will play from the AirPods or your Mac's built-in speaker, you have to dig into a Bluetooth submenu to connect, and...

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File Adopter uses your Internet Config preferences to add type and creator codes to files that lack them. Typeless files are common on Mac OS X, and are a source of numerous frustrations. File Adopter works with simple drag and drop. It can replace...

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