
Obscurity 1.3

Obscurity for Mac OS X is a handy little utility for hiding all those private files and precious memories you don't want anyone else to find. The application is as simple as it is elegant. Obscurity seems just like a generic Mac OS X folder. Simply...


ROMlaunch 1.5

Emulation of past gaming systems is a wonderful way to reminisce and play all those great games your owned and loved in your childhood on your new computer. At the current moment there is a flurry of great emulators to choose from for the Mac, and most of...

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Hypnotize 1.2

Have you ever fallen asleep on the movie, TV series or, even worse, the streaming webcast you were watching on your Mac, only to have the sound and light arouse you from sleep throughout the entire night? Have you ever wondered why every TV since the late...

Functional for Mac OS X is a collection of utilities bringing the basic Mac OS X functions from the Apple menu to your Dock. It is the spiritual companion of 'Hypnotize'. Add the Functional folder as a stack to the Dock, and Logging Out, Restarting,...

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