Music Machine 1 will generate music according to the following parameters: Decision 1: How many voices will play? (choice of 1-10) For each different instrument the following decisions are then made: Decision 2a: Which note will be played? (choice of 1 to...

Music Machine 15 has two options for performance. The first option (satiean) is to play Satie's piece Vexations as it was written, repeating the chord pattern 840 times. The second option (cagean) is based on Satie's Vexations but is also based on Cage's...

Music Machine 2 consists of two elements. The first is a repeated C major triad which provides the pulse for the machine. This pulse is played as quavers at 120 bpm. The second element is the melody (also played as quavers) that is generated using the...

Music Machine 8 uses the short speech that Neil Armstrong made when stepping on to the surface of the moon. 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' The music machine takes each word of this sentence, along with both the pause that...