Freddi Fish's finny friend, Luther, has plenty on his mind as he races to pop an ocean full of air bubbles that will lower the water level if they make it to the surface. Water Worries features more than 100 challenging levels and hundreds of hidden...

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This upgrade is intended for all versions of Edge of Chaos before F14.6. It will upgrade F10.x European release versions, F12.0 European patched versions, and the F12.0 US release version.Requirements:Windows...

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You lead an ordinary life. You have friends, a job and an everyday routine. Then, one day, it all ends. You find yourself standing over a dead body with a bloody knife in your hand. You have no idea who the victim is but one thing is certain: you've...

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Let Buzzy the Knowledge Bug Guide Your Child on a Fun-Filled Trip to The Farm. Let's Explore the Farm captures all the fun, energy and excitement of a real working farm. Kids can visit the big red barn and watch a cow being milked. Take a peek inside the...

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Master the unknown before it masters you. Forge an empire in a universe where population growth is outstripping planetary resources. Colonize unknown planets and trade with other races for their knowledge. The need for galactic expansion is critical. You...

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Execute a devastating counterattack against a massive alien invasion in this all-new edition of Missile Command. There are two heart-pounding ways to play. In the Classic game, you have to defend cities from a shower of alien missiles: the longer you...

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