
Events 1.3.1

JavaScript events are exactly what the name says. Actions that can take place in the browser and are recognized by the JS engine.These events can be utilized to add extra interactions between the user and the page's code when they happen.The difference...


ThumbsSlides 1.0.1b

ThumbsSlides can take a list of images and show them one next to the other on a timeline.As the user presses the next/prev buttons, new images are brought into the slider as old ones are cycled through.The images can be loaded with the page or they can be...


MooIE6Update 1.4.1

MooIE6Update will create an update notification similar to the native IE notification bar, which will prompt IE6 users to update their browsers to a newer version.If clicked, the plugin will redirect the user to Microsoft's IE8 download page.Since the...