FunctionStack is a tool more usable to actual developers rather than people that download and tinker with MooTools UI widgets, sliders, forms, or lightbox scripts.It is meant for calling functions, process done step by step, allowing the previous function...

ScrollerBar (formerly known as ScrollBar) replaces the built-in browser scroll-bar styles with one of the developer's liking.It comes with support for both vertically and horizontally scrolling bars, and also ships with a built-in skin to get developers...


SLBox 1.1.2

SLBox stands for Simple LightBox.The class can be used to view images inside a floating popup window, perfect for enhancing thumbnail sliders, image walls, photo albums, or other image-rich content.It comes with tools to easily start and close the modal,...

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YADDM 0.8.1

YADDM supplies developers with a tool for making keyboard and mouse accessible drop-down menus.The entire menu structure relies on a nested HTML list element and can only work only in horizontal mode.It also works with one single dropdown level and comes...

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FloatBox 1.4.2

FloatBox is one of the few lightbox scripts that addresses MooTools developers and is not built using jQuery.The modal windowing system works just like many others, allowing developers to present content to users using a stylized popup window.Content...

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Moock 1.0.3 updated

Moock supports stubbing, mocking and external text library integration.It lets developers create tests for continuously testing their code as they write it.This way bugs are solved as soon as they arrive without complicating and reverberating through the...


ThumbsSlides 1.0.1b

ThumbsSlides can take a list of images and show them one next to the other on a timeline.As the user presses the next/prev buttons, new images are brought into the slider as old ones are cycled through.The images can be loaded with the page or they can be...


MooIE6Update 1.4.1

MooIE6Update will create an update notification similar to the native IE notification bar, which will prompt IE6 users to update their browsers to a newer version.If clicked, the plugin will redirect the user to Microsoft's IE8 download page.Since the...



MooStorage (or MooTools LocalStorage) is a cross-browser system that makes sure data is saved to the user's browser in the same manner, regardless of his browser type.Support is included for both setting and getting stored data.For older browsers, the...