
VidMasta 23.3 updated

Watch or download movie and television titles in any format (TV, DVD, 720p, 1080i/p) with as few as two clicks of the mouse. The first click is to hit the search button. The second click is to hit the download button. Anonymity via automatic filtering of...

Elite People Search

Elite People Search 4.6 updated

Perform searches for people by state, county, and city. The search application provides the name, addresses, phone numbers, and date of birth associated with an individual from public records. Key Features: Elimination of duplicate search results....

Perform searches for people by state, county, and city. The search application provides the name, addresses, phone numbers, and date of birth associated with an individual from public records. Key Features: Elimination of duplicate search results....


VidMasta 21.6 updated

VidMasta is a platform-independent and freely distributed application designed to be used by anyone who wants to quickly and easily get detailed information about their favorite movies or the latest TV shows. Supports a wide variety of video formats It...

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VidMasta 23.3 updated

VidMasta lets you view or download movies and television titles in any format (TV, DVD, 720p, 1080i/p) with as few as two clicks of the mouse. The first click is to hit the search button. The second click is to hit the download button. Anonymity via...

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Elite People Search

Elite People Search 4.7 updated

Elite People Search provides the name, addresses, phone numbers, and date of birth associated with an individual from public records. Features include: elimination of duplicate search results, elimination of extraneous search results, multiple searches at...